Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grow! Grow! Grow!

These radishes were getting mushy because we harvested them and didn't eat them right away, so we put them in a bowl of water and they quickly got crisp again!
This is Felicity with the vegetables she helped pick.
Cutting some radishes.
They Are Hollow!!!
These spinach plants were going to seed and were being eaten by tiny black bugs,
...I took 'em out!
This is the strangest turnip I ever saw!
Cucumber flowers.
Look at how many turnips we've eaten!
Flowering cilantro.
These are the peas in the second garden bed that... Well... We haven't put enough stuff(Sticks and string) for them to climb up.
Artistic Pictures I Took.
The Sky
The first and only flower that has bloomed in our garden.

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